Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Iranian election

After the presidential election on June 12, thousands of Iranian demonstrators took to the streets demanding honest election. president Mohamoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner, while opposition leader and former Prime Minister Mir-Hossein Mousavi claimed fraud. They were the tow leading candidates out of four contenders approved by the Council of Guardians to campaign in the election. Security forces struck down hard on protesters, killing several. Although the government tried to block access to online social media like Twitter, Face book, you Tube, Images and description of events have flowed from citizen in Iran to the rest of the world. Once foreign journalists were also banned on reporting, pictures and words by ordinary citizens transmitted over the Internet became a crucial source of news. President Obama would offer support for human rights in Iran generally and would not back away from his diplomatic outreach. The Obama administration insisted that it would not interfere with the struggle for power between regime-backed President Mahmoud Ermengarde and the thousands of demonstrators who contend the election was stolen. "Ultimately the election is for the Iranians to decide. Obama said: "Whoever ends up winning the election in Iran, the fact that there's been a robust debate hopefully will help advance our ability to engage them in new ways." In my opinion, I know it is very hard and shameful to see all this violence against human rights with out doing anything, but I believe that no one should interfere in this issue because any intervention will make things worse.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Evolution Theory

The mean of this theory is Evolution and its most famous advocate was a man named Charles Darwin (1809-1882). He was an Englishman who lived during the nineteenth century when Britain ruled most of the world to study the plants and animals of earth. He came to believe that the variety of life in our world was due to what he called "Natural Selection" and "Survival of the Fittest". In other words, it means that everything made itself, and that no creator was necessary. He wrote his findings in a book entitled, "On the Origin of Species" which he published in 1859. The book immediately caused a controversy in the Christian world because Christianity taught that God made life in an instant and that earth was the center of importance in the universe. Christians also felt threatened by Darwin's teaching because they knew it meant he was saying everything happened without needing God. To this day, many Christians still oppose and do battle in court over whether or not these theories should be taught in school.

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Islamic perspictive

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


In my presentation, I searched Skype. Skype is an advanced communication peer-to-peer network. Skype being free for computer to computer calls and being available on all the operating systems makes it ‘cool’, and Skyp’s dial out to a telephone Skype out is cheap. All what you need to start making calls with Skyp is to Download the program. And use a speaker- microphone. I really would recommend using it because it is easy to download, great quality audio, works any where you go, portable and it is really cool. Finally, add your friends to your contact list, and enjoy your time with them.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Islamic History

The first thing that most people think when they hear the word Islam that Islam ia religion of killing, Terrorism, and distorting. In fact, that is not true, and it is completely unfair. In the past, the Islamic world achieved many accomplishments and a lot of contributions in many areas like Art, Medicine, Music, Philosophy, Science, Agriculture, Geography, navigation. I am going to focus on one important field that the Muslims have excelled in it which is: medicine.
Many advances were made in the field of medicine for example, physicians and pharmacists were required to pass exams before treating patients because the medical officials wanted to make sure that any one want to treat people should have the highest specifications. Also, they set up hospitals that had separate areas for trauma cases, and this became the basis for today's emergency rooms. In addition, there are many other famous Islamic examples like:
Ibn-Sina, helped lay the foundations for modern medicine, and also he wrote a book called canon on Medicine. This book became the standard medical text in Europe for over five hundred years.
Abu-al Qasim, helped lay the foundations for modern surgery, and he invented numerous surgical instruments.
Ibn-al Haytham, made an important advances in eye surgery.
Ibn-al Nafis, aid the foundations for circulatory physiology. He was the first person who describe pulmonary and coronary circulation, and he was considered " the greatest Physiologist of the middle Ages.”
Muslims rose to the height of civilization in a period of four decades. for more then 1,000 years the Islamic Civilization remained the most advanced and progressive in the world. This is because Islam stressed the importance of and held great respect of learning, forbade destruction, developed discipline and respect for authority, and stressed tolerance for other religions.

Monday, March 23, 2009


What is happiness? Do you think that you can determine a specific definition for it? In fact, no one can define happiness exactly because each person has his own vision about it. Charles Spurageon said once, “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy. That makes happiness”. He shows the deep meaning of happiness. In my personal opinion happiness is simply being at peace with my own self and with the world. Actually, there are many things causing happiness like money, social activities, intelligence and good looks, but there are other things that strongly cause it. In this essay, I’m going to talk about three things that strongly cause happiness: love, good health, and employment. I will also demonstrate the positive effect of it.

First, the relations that are dominated by love and mutual respect make their owners feel happy. Many surveys show that the people who are in love are happier than people who aren’t. For example, parenthood is a large source of love and happiness One of the beautiful and exciting moments is when parents see the smile on their children faces, and watch them growing up in a good health day after day. On the other hand, many people say that parenthood means tiredness and stress, and large amounts of money are spent on children, but I disagree with that because I believe that children are a gift from God and we should enjoy it. Another example is marriage. There is a very strong connection between marriage and happiness. Stable marriage emits reassurance and comfort to our life. Obviously, single people or people who live alone usually feel frustration and lonely. That’s why often single people have cats and dogs, so that at least they have someone to take care and share them their lives. I think they are constantly attempting to fill the sense of vacuum in their lives. However, I know that sometimes marriage might go through difficult stages caused by different views and conflicts, but with true intent and strong determination, they can make their marriage successful and achieve their goals.

Second, many researches show that there is a strong correlation between happiness and good health. For instance, people get sad and depressed when they get sick because illness makes them fell lonely, upset and worried about them selves. Undoubtedly, that the good health means that you are able to do many activities in your daily life. On the other hand, we can find many people who are suffering of physical disabilities, but in the same time they seem to be happy. Because they are satisfied with their selves and they have a high spirit. There is a saying in my culture that show the connection between the good health and happiness which is “the good health is a crown upon the happy people heads”.

Finally, a very important factor that causes happiness is job. A stable job can make people feel safety and let them live with dignity. Therefore, unemployment people feel unhappiness, misery and hopeless. Recently, the rate of suicide rise among unemployment across the world because of the disability feelings. Another thing is job satisfaction, that’s mean to love, enjoy, more effective and productive at your work. Also, people who work should feel grateful to have jobs while many people are loosing their jobs because of the economic crises.

As a conclusion, we can see now that the happiness causes by three strong things: love, good
health and job. I believe that happiness is mix of them all. At the end, we should all be thankful, content
and glade of every little thing we have.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Recession

All the countries across the world affected by the recession ,It's the biggest event in the world,and everything became very expensive too . Obviously that the economic crisis affect on many people ,because they start lose their jobs,homes and money. for example, Rob LeBlanc 35, a father with four children he was a former restaurant manager, and he is now a pizza delivery man . So their life is different now and their income became very low too comparing to their previous life , now they are struggling. His wife Donna LeBlanc said " It is embarrassing for my husband to take a job he is overqualified for, and I know he feels ashamed at times ". So being a pizza delivery man is very difficult change for Rob because he is overqualified for this job, and he should be in a higher place. this story is smiler to many stories across the nation,and this satiation is different from my country Saudi Arabia because in my country only a few people lose their jobs. But certainly all the people are suffering of the raise of the prices of products. I don't think that the recession affect on me or my family, because we are student and my shcolership pay for us. So thank God.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The English Center mission
I think that the English Center mission is to help International women and men to have a good life in the USA. The English Center teach students many classes in Grammar,Reading and Writing, speaking and listening,Computer and Career class.The English center teach students about how to communicate with other students from different cultures. The English Center also teach students about the American life,culture and society.And the most important mission is to prepare students to find a good jop and to find the right university.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama victory

The 20 of January was a special day it was the inauguration of Barack Obama in the capitol building in Washington, to become the first black U.S. president.
he was very confidence and happy, he said in his speech that the America had to face many challenges it not to easy to face in economy ,health care, education and war, but he was very shore that the U.S can face these challenges .
There were more than 2000,000 people and alto of police and soldiers.

And the celebration cost more than 160 million dollars,and it was great event.